‘It’s a London Thing’

The assignment brief for our first group project at LCF.
Proposal: Our idea is inspired by individual, gender and cultural identity, linking to the idea of this being lost in the metropolis that is London. Easily blending in, becoming one number amongst a statistic. From this inspiration we have decided to photograph a mannequin in different crowded scenarions around London, in order to create this effect. We are using a mannequin rather than a model because of its connotations; being emotionless, stripped of an individuality, with no race or religion, acting a blank canvas.

These are a selection of the final 20 images we had to present. They are unedited and taken on 35mm colour transparency film (slide film). They were taken by a mixture of 4 people, including by myself. A mixture of shots, styles and techniques are being shown here.

As well as the 20 photographs we had to produce using 35mm colour transparency film, our group decided to create a video piece documenting our day capturing the general publics reactions and almost giving our mannequin an identity.