
My Final Major Project final dual projection piece.

The feelings of awkwardness and discomfort often spur from the things in which we do not understand, fearing the unknown. Embracing this, my work aims to evoke these feelings during the viewing experience through the themes of androgyny and claustrophobia. The idea of an androgynous person subverts traditional gender stereotypes linking to the fear of difference; with my model appearing almost alien through the masking of their identity and the hiding of gender specific features, (Inspiration- The Man Who Fell To Earth, directed by Nicolas Roeg and Vanessa Beecroft) exploring contorted body imagery as they experience discomfort through the entrapment in a claustrophobic space. The claustrophobic element is key in the concept and in the viewing experience; the models entrapment represents the closed minded attitudes of hegemonic society in their views towards anything outside cultural norms. Whereas through a mixture of methodology, using traditional photography (Inspiration- Juergen Teller) and modern technology to create a dual projection piece (Inspiration- Jane and Louise Wilson), creates a personal and interactive viewing space for the viewer as they are forced to experience the projections in an enclosed space; the feelings created are raw and genuine as the original feelings of the model are emitted into the viewer. In addition to this the use of traditional film photography adds to the experience creating an almost 'ugly' aesthetic to the projections through the rough and juddery appearance.